Oct 20th is Poetry Night!

Join us for an Evening of Poetry
Mary-Kay Rummel and Robert Chianese
Reading from their favorite collection of poems
Friday - Oct 20, 2017
Mary Kay Rummel was the first Poet Laureate of Ventura County, CA. Cypher Garden is her eighth published poetry book, her seventh collection. The Lifeline Trembles, was winner of the 2014 Blue Light Press Award. This Body She’s Entered, her first book, won the Minnesota Voices Award for poetry and was published by New Rivers Press in 1989. Love in the End was published as a finalist for the Bright Hill Press Award. Her work has appeared in numerous regional and national literary journals and anthologies and has received several awards, including six Pushcart nominations. Mary Kay has read in many venues in the US, England and Ireland and has been a featured reader at poetry festivals including Ojai and San Luis Obisbo, CA. A professor emerita from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, she teaches part time at California State University, Channel Islands.
Mary Kay Rummel’s Cypher Garden is a praise song to the natural world, to the amplitude of any moment of lived experience – a proposition ‘guided by color, by light’ as Van Gogh was – to the primordial and female yearning to fully fall into tenderness with all her eyes see, her hands touch. —Marsha de la O, Author of Antidote for Night, winner of Isabella Gardner Award
Bob Chianese, Ph. D. is professor emeritus of English at California State University, Northridge; a Mitchell Prize Laureate in Sustainability; and past president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division (2012). He has published four collections of his poems: Bonfire and Dreams, Poems of a Man’s Life; Hall Canyon Suite: Photos & Poems of a Disturbed Place; Uncommon Places: Poems & Photographs with Art By Robert Engel; and Illuminations: Poems Inspired by Science, with original art by various artists.
Originally from Trenton, New Jersey, Chianese lives in Ventura, California with Paula, his partner for 53 years; they have two children and four grandchildren.
Evidences – That Things Fit
Light Finally Reaches Consciousness
Small Poisonings Heal
We Leap at Each the Knowing We'll Fall
More Synaptic Connections than Atoms
The Brain Generalizes, and Notes the Specific
Verbs Move Nouns, Actions Move Objects....
Excerpt from Illuminations: Poems Inspired by Science
By Bob Chianese